This bedroom completes me! Where do I start? The ceiling? The chandelier? It is elegant & feminine, yet my husband would love it as well bc it has a sense on masculinity as well. Woe is me

I wouldn't mind getting ready for work each day in a place like this...not one little bit

1) eating at Olive Garden (classy? nope, great decor? nope, good vibe? nope, little dance in my tummy? WHY YES!)
2) Going to see a movie (we are on a roll and I'm loving these date nights)
4) more money towards our first home
Good thing it's a happy day since I work out of town for the next three...that part puts a slight damper in my happiness
i've always wanted a canopy bed but i don't have high ceilings... it would look small other wise
Congrats on your RAISE! Exciting! Lovely images..the blue couch at the end of the bed has me swooning!
We are in an apartment so our ceilings definately wouldn't suffice! Hoping for our first home within a year, so the raise was a help. Thank you.
Isn't it fun to dream though?
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