Tuesday, December 21, 2010


That would best describe my feeling towards the newest addition to our coffee table....

Did you read Domino before "the crash"? It was pretty upsetting after growing quite fond of the beautiful pictures and fabulous ideas the magazine offered. My sister turned me onto it and I was smitten. Then, they up and stop making it. Pretty big bummer. While checking out at the store with Christmas gifts, I spotted this hardback Domino book and immediately put back the things I had for others so I could buy this for myself.....I know, I know, I'll go back and get their things, don't worry. This was an emergency.

The pages boast not only images of the rooms of my dreams, but also detailed descriptions of furniture styles and pieces, and where they fit in best. It even gives a history of the designs which is pretty amazing to see.

This was my favorite room in the book. The colors are similar to our bedroom, and with a lighter shade of gray thrown in and this wall color, I think that it could be a new inspirational photo as well.
And just for a giggle, this guy was thrown in. I'll bet he never knew he'd be famous.
Now I will only grow more envyous of other people's spaces, and ruin my mind with things like want, desire, and I gotta haves.....bless me


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