Thursday, November 18, 2010


That's what my husband says in a silly voice when he isn't happy with the current situation.....if I won't go get something for him, or I tell him no, he says "I HATE IT" in the funniest voice you ever heard....well now I'm thinking the same thing. He left me for a deep sea fishing trip with the bosses and I am super lonely in this new house. How long is he gone? Only one night. I know, it's sad, BUT we've never spent a night apart since we were married and I'm new to it so cut me some slack. He left this morning around 7:30 and won't be home until the late late/early morning hours tomorrow night. With my spare time, I have ordered our Christmas cards, bothered every friend I have as well as family with phone calls where I "just wanted to chat" (which I NEVER just want to chat so they see right through it), & watched the same hallmark channel movie twice out of pure laziness to change the channel. Woe is me.

While picking a photo for the cards, I came across these and got blue thinking about how much I'll miss him being next to me tonight.......
It didn't help that a sappy love song was playing in the background at that exact moment on my itunes.........
I think this is my new favorite picture. I swear this picture is just like he's here with me bc that's just how he looks @ me :) oh bother.......
Until tomorrow I guess the fluffy white one will have to do. The only problem is, I think she's missing him too. She keeps "checking" the front door and barking at every single noise she hears.....not helpful to the little wifey home alone for the first time.
Dearest love of my life,
I miss you terribly. Thank you for my bon voyage phone call and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. While you are gone promise me these things: That you will be a super duper helper with party preparations when you return, that you'll make a run to SAMS, & most importantly, that you WONT make me appear on the Today show next week talking to Meredith and Matt about how you were abducted by Mexican pirates on seedoos and now I'm under suspicion for planning your murder to inherit your super cool golf shoes and collection of protein powder. You make me smile torso man!

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