Monday, January 31, 2011


First of all, it must be said that I have a pretty cool dad.

but the cool guy just picked up a super cool hobby.....Restoring vintage airstreams, THEN making them look a little something like this....


I had a blast taking a few pics for his listing to sell it now that he's finished. If only he'd let Joey & I use it for a small vacay this summer & a little football next fall we would surely appreciate it. Something tells me that having a fireplace, espresso machine, shower, & stove we might not ever give it back. WouLD someone lend us 50 grand? please?

Happy Monday! After a rough Saturday and Sunday I've vowed to make this a positive week...bad stuff stay away!!!


paula said...

what! this is amazing. I pretty much want it.

Unknown said...

That is gorgeous!! Does he still do it? website?