Monday, January 31, 2011


First of all, it must be said that I have a pretty cool dad.

but the cool guy just picked up a super cool hobby.....Restoring vintage airstreams, THEN making them look a little something like this....


I had a blast taking a few pics for his listing to sell it now that he's finished. If only he'd let Joey & I use it for a small vacay this summer & a little football next fall we would surely appreciate it. Something tells me that having a fireplace, espresso machine, shower, & stove we might not ever give it back. WouLD someone lend us 50 grand? please?

Happy Monday! After a rough Saturday and Sunday I've vowed to make this a positive week...bad stuff stay away!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just Bragging

My husband is AMAZING! Have I ever told you guys that? He cooks me breakfast every morning, packs my lunch (sometimes with notes on the napkin), makes me a pot of coffee, and let's me lay on his chest and watch Golden Girls as I attempt to wake my sleepy self up.

He always finds the perfect time to call and tell me he's thinking about me, and somehow makes me feel safe when everything tells me not to.

And more ......

He's the best looking Wealth Manager I've ever seen. If we weren't already married......

Seriously though, the guy has created a program that helps people see the potential they have for retirement. Want to pay your house off early? He helps people do that! Want to retire att 60? what about 65? He helps people meet their goals and make the most of their hard earned money. Cool job, right? No wonder the guy is racking in clients left and right.....if it isn't his love for God and his way of helping people be good stewards of their money, it's gotta be that smile :)

Okay, I'm done. Seriously. I'm finished. Xx

Friday, January 21, 2011


Okay....bare with me for a moment while I go off on a random spill about the wall color in our house. Technically, the best choice for the builders. Neutral. I'll take it. However, it has some yellow to it in the bedroom, and I'm not so much loving it. Is paint the most necessary purchase for us right now? nope. BUT I really think a different color in the bedroom would help pull everything together for me. You can see the post below with some photos of it, and it's obvious that the yellow is coming out more and more as we roll along with decorating it. It also has caused some issues picking out fabrics to upholster a cushion for the antique bench.
SO, I'm torn thinking back to my dream room and pondering the possibility of lightening it up with the wall color. Remember THIS?

These are a soft cool gray that would hopefully compliment the shades already in play.

Restoration is selling paints now, so I pulled some samples of their silver/neutral shades and found these. Maybe the top center?

Or the shade, Mediterranean featured in the bottom left.

This one looks an awful lot like the first room now doesn't it? I think I've centered in on what I like.
I guess the next step is a little bit of buttering up Joey for the job, followed by a little saving for the paint. Maybe I can occupy my time with swatches and constant battling in my head whether or not slate truly IS better than Mediterranean.

And while searching for paint shades, I found EXACTLY what I've been looking for. What a shame that they are not featured in a store, but rather in someone else's home. Pity. The prints are beautiful and I adore the frames. Just what I need/WANT
HAPPY WEEKEND! Mr Jones & I plan to have a date @ the gym after work (we slept in....shocker) then head for a dinner date then home for wine and a puzzle. "Wine and a puzzle?" you might ask. Well, our church has 21 days of fasting. I was the bright one who gave up TV. I am reading a LOT of books, analyzing the entire house (hence these posts), and re-organizing every nook and cranny of the house. One week to go. Wish me luck.

Images via

Door Sixteen


< align="center">Pad

Sunny Xx

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Around the house update.....

I've been busy working on one thing at a time, and growing more and more frustrated at the "one at a time" part.....I'm the type who wants it all NOW. Who isn't?

Our most recent purchase was one of my favorites so far! After living with the linen white curtains inherited from my old house, we took the plunge and purchased these charcoal vintage velvet drapes. I couldn't be happier to sleep in our new cave thanks to the light it so lovingly shuts out while we slumber.

My office got the old bedroom curtains. Nope, not happy, however once we stick the third row of frames back (according to Denise, they were "much too high".....I have SO much to learn she says) and I get my new acid splattered cow hide (oh yeah, I'm pretty much stoked about that) then hopefully I'll find it a little less sterile in there. Those darn french doors will cost mucho dinero so I've decided to make myself content with what I have for now. (ps: Dear husband, what an AMAZING way to say happy 2nd anniversary or happy Valentine's, or happy YOU ROCK day.......but I digress.....)

And I've finally decided to officially call one room in the house complete. The guest bath has been a doosy for me to figure out what to do with, so as usual, I kept things white :) Only problem being I'd like to replace the bath rug with a stark white fresh one so that guests can get mud on it and I'll have something to "stress" over. I set myself up for disaster sometimes I think.

And 2 of my favorite things to come home to this evening? Why a handsome man in my kitchen cooking grilled chicken topped with roma tomatoes, feta, and basil. I taught him well :)
And on a totally random side note, how cute is this letter we got in the mail from my brother in law and his lady friend? They gave every one little scratch off lottery tickets from Texas (where they live) attached to the Christmas gifts they brought. Lucky Mr and Mrs Jones scratched off $50.00 :) These crazy kids mailed us the money! We would have TOTALLY kept it....I kid, but not really.

Happy Happy Friday Eve.

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's been just about NO fun at all

....Losing my ability to fall at sleep @ night that is.

I am EXHAUSTED after the nights I've been having......

BUT I think it has all changed to this little puppy.

Mr Jones kinda rocks. He ordered me this sound machine after realizing they aren't exactly easy to find any more. My favorites so far are Fireside, White Noise, & Dock........

Thank you hunny for always looking for a way to make me feel better when things get tough. And if you are like me, and need a subtle constant sound to sleep, go get one of these things @ Sharper Image's site. After 2 nights of some decent sleep, I'm thinking it might be my new best friend.

Happy weekend and WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Easy as ABC


Just thought I'd share a glimpse into design heaven with you all. During our trip to NY to visit my sister, she wanted to take me by a "little" furniture/design store around the corner she thought i'd like. Let me just say my mouth flew open, I began to quiver, and a tear dropped down my cheek. The camera quickly left my purse and all thoughts to the embarrassment of snapping photos in a store quickly left. I love ABC home and I never want to stop. We bumped into Thom Filicia from Queer Eye while there.....kinda cool.

Xx Happy Monday. I'm home sick with a lingering case of Bronchitis that won't leave me. Back to work tomorrow with or without feeling better.